"Whether it be in ministry or in the affairs of everyday life, we must remain yielded and open to the Holy Spirit, for He will teach, lead, and guide us into all truth. Being Spirit-filled—or as I prefer to call it, “God- possessed” – is not just for church but for every second of living.
And do not be drunk with wine, in which is dissipation; but be filled with the Spirit. (Ephesians 5:18)
One of the great strengths of this move of God is that we are learning how to recognize the “moving” of the Holy Spirit in our lives. I call this being “sensitized” to the Holy Spirit as we become “desensitized” to the ways of the world and the rational mind.
If you are going to do anything of significance in your ministry and vision, you will need to know God’s will and voice. This will save you from making mistakes and doing or saying things that are presumptuous."
-Dr. Leon Van Rooyen
Work Cited
Bulter, Paul. Knowing God's Will and Voice. Global Ministries and Relief Inc, 2005. Global Ministries and Relief Inc.