"Ministry is all about taking God’s Word and power to a need-filled world which not only includes non-believers, but believers as well.
We minister in church to build and to bless our brothers and sisters in Christ, and we minister to those outside the Kingdom of God as ambassadors of His mercy and love.
It is true that we desire to see people touched by God’s power, but our first objective is to win them to Christ. Our desire through GBI is to mobilize a force into this world of need: a people of faith, full of the Holy Spirit, and motivated by the pulsating heart of God’s love.
This eBook is designed to assist you, the sincere student of the Word, to be able to minister and help people in various situations of need."
Work Cited
Dr. Van Rooyen, Leon. Christian Ministry. Global Ministries and Relief Inc, 2005. Global Ministries and Relief Inc.